Counseling Services
Counseling services are available to all students at Madison Street Academy. The counselor is a special resource person on whom parents may wish to call. The counselor holds conferences with students, parents, teachers and administrators, and works with county and state agencies in carrying out a comprehensive guidance program. Such programs include orientation, testing of students and helping students identify and solve their personal and academic problems. These programs are further designed to help the student adjust both socially and intellectually to present day needs.
Any student concerns or complaints may be expressed through the Guidance Department.
TV Broadcast Studio - Our studio televises live announcements each morning. Student recognition is featured. Students operate the entire show with supervision from the video production teacher. The crew consists of anchors, camera, sound and video mixer technicians, announcers, and assistants.
School improvement funds are used to provide remedial programs to non-proficient reading students after school. Several teachers also offer tutorial programs on their own for non-proficient students as a way to assist students meeting state standards.
We also offer several enrichment clubs for varying periods of time during the year.
We open our reading lab up to level 2 students before school for remedial reading and remedial math. The instructional computer lab is open to students before school to participate in the Accelerated Reading program. Students in grades 3-5 who need enrichment in reading are able to utilize the KidBiz3000 program at home to extend their skills in reading non-fiction materials. Our tutorial program will offer Read Naturally, Voyager and SuccessMaker with the goal of having no level 1 or 2 students at the time of testing in the spring.
ESOL Information
ESE Information
Health Services Program
During the school year, all students are eligible to participate in certain health services. Health screenings including, but not limited to, vision, hearing, and scoliosis will be conducted at various grade levels. Parents will be notified if these screenings indicate need for follow-up. If a parent does not wish for his/her child to participate in health screenings, they should send a written note to the principal on a yearly basis requesting their child be excluded from participation.
Health services begin the first week of school. Parents are encouraged to call the school if they have health concerns regarding their child. The visiting health nurse provides health counseling, health education, and assistance with medical referrals and necessary follow-up. In case of a health emergency, “911” (emergency medical services) will be called and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated by the parent/guardian to call “in case of emergency” will be notified. School health insurance forms are available upon request in the main office.