Parents Info

Information for Parents

Social Work Services Are Available to Help

School Social Workers are available to students and families with various needs. These needs could include issues with school, home, the community, health concerns, and relationship issues. Each public school in Marion County has a School Social Worker and Social Work Assistant available for assistance. We are here to help students effectively utilize the educational opportunities available while maximizing potential for growth and learning.

The ways in which school social workers can assist students and their families are endless. For a student to be successful, regular and consistent attendance at school must be a priority. School social workers and social work assistants are available to assist with chronic absenteeism and help students and families addressing these issues. To further assist with absenteeism, the Truancy Intervention Partnership Program (TIPP) was developed. This particular program is a co-operative effort between the Marion County Public School Board and the State Attorney’s Office to provide prevention and intervention to students and their families who are experiencing difficulties with regular school attendance. For additional information please call 671-6870.


Your child’s teacher is available to meet with you between 7:15-7:35 each morning as well as after school from 2:15-3:00 pm. Please contact the school at 671-7250 if you have any questions or wish to schedule a conference.

Extended Day Program

An Extended Day Program is available for Madison Street students before and after school.

Click here for more information on the Extended Day Program of Marion County Public Schools.

Hours of Operation

  • Morning: 6:30 AM to 7:50 AM
  • Afternoon: 2:20 PM to 6:00 PM

Fees per Child

  • Morning: $25.00 per week, per child
    • Afternoon: $45.00 per week, per child
    • Both: $50/week, per child
  • Early Release Day:
    • $30.00/day first child, $10 for each additional child

See Extended Day Fees for more details.

Arrival & Dismissal

car rider

At MSA, students are transported by car, and some by daycare, Karate Dojo, Martial Arts Center, or Taekwondo bus. Some students walk. If you need to change your child's way home, please contact the Guidance Office no later than 1:45 p.m. to make the arrangements.

All car riders are unloaded and loaded at the back of the school. There is a designated area with signs to help guide your route and to ensure student safety. Please remain in your vehicle at all times to ensure safety.

* If your child is tardy or needs to be dismissed early, an adult with proper identification must physically come in to the school building and sign the appropriate forms to admit or dismiss the student. This is for your child's safety.

cafeteria students

Online Meal Pay for Student Lunches

MCPS Food & Nutrition Services has introduced Online Meal Pay. In addition to accepting cash and checks, a new Online Meal Pay service is being implemented in all MCPS schools. This online service provides parents a unique opportunity to pay for student meals on the internet.

To read details of how to use this online service, go to the Food Services Website's Online Meal Pay

At this time, breakfast and lunch are free for all elementary school students.


Last school year, 5,341 MCPS volunteers put in more than 157,624 hours of their time to benefit students in Marion County Public Schools. Parents are invited and encouraged to volunteer at school. Every effort will be made to find every parent a way to participate actively in his/her child's education.

Volunteers are needed to tutor students, shelve library books, make games, file papers, and chaperone field trips.

If you would like to go on a field trip with your child or volunteer in the classroom, please make sure you fill out a volunteer form and leave a photo copy of your drivers license.

Helpful Links

Extended Day (Madison Street Academy)

Extended Day (MCPS District-Wide)